What We Do

Silver Mine Nordic is working to provide our community a way to embrace winter.

Our Mission

Our goal is to develop the first recreation area in the Chippewa Valley with snowmaking capacity, and make it accessible to the local ski teams, clubs, and general public by bringing more options for winter outdoor recreation.

Why Cross-Country Ski?

While it’s a challenge to master, cross-country skiing easy to learn.  If you can walk, you can learn the basics of cross-country skiing. You can make a ski a serious workout or a walk in the park.

There’s no one “type” of person that skis; there are skiers young and old; there are skiers that have bad knees or backs, there are people that don’t seem to fit the mold of what people imagine skiers to be because most people only see skiing at the elite level.  Cross country skiing is a sport that encourages the company of children, and because the basics are simple, it’s a great way for the whole family to enjoy the winter.  On the other end of the spectrum, some of the most talented skiers I’ve come across are older: 50s, 60s, even 70s.  Nordic skiing is low impact, low speed, and is appealing due to its relatively low risk of injury.  It truly is a sport you can do for a lifetime.

Nordic Trail Progress Highlights

  • Developed a core loop of trail in 2020 of 1.5 miles

  • Established a small loop of manmade snow that was used for the 2020-2021 winter season

  • Built own grooming equipment to pull behind a sled

  • Created pass system to test out interest

  • Applied for and received a round of funding to continue development of the trails

  • Expanded ski trails with increased snowmaking capacity

  • Purchased new grooming equipment to provide for expanded trails

  • Added some lighting in 2024 to open up for early/late skiing